Arcadia This Week 10/4/2020
Hello, everyone!
Here’s what’s up at Arcadia this week!
MS students are in-building for the hybrid. HS is distance learning.
Monday: Day 5
Tuesday: Day 6
Wednesday: Day 1
Thursday: Day 2
Friday: Day 3, Asynchronous Learning Day (see the 8:15am email)
Mission Spotlight
To those who are new to Arcadia, I previously included a “mission spotlight” in the newsletter each week to inform people about the mission, and to demonstrate ways that we are always working toward it. Now that we are starting to get into a rhythm, and there are fewer detailed, must-read announcements, I am bringing it back!
It is the mission of Arcadia Charter School to prepare our students to transition intellectually, emotionally, and ethically to higher education, future employment, and engaged citizenship.
Arcadia Charter School envisions a supportive learning community that, through collaboration and student-driven, project-based learning, encourages and assists students to:
Express themselves creatively through the visual, literary, and performing arts.
Use technology with innovation, imagination, and responsibility.
Develop critical thinking and creative problem solving skills.
Construct knowledge and meaning for themselves.
Value, advocate, and strive for the wellness of the whole person.
Be empowered to act as local citizens within a rapidly changing global community.
The phrase “supportive learning community” means all of us, working together, to create a place where students feel safe, comfortable, and connected, so that learning can occur. Therefore, we need your help to fulfill this mission! Family and school connections lead to better outcomes for all students--parent involvement has a positive impact, even on other people’s children!
Please fill out this form letting us know how you would like to be involved:
Of course, it’s also important for us all to have fun together. :)
Two weeks ago, we had the outdoor movie night. It was so much fun to see Arcadia families and to have students get to see one another again, play in the field, and enjoy some classic Buster Keaton films.
Last Friday, the family bike ride on the local Mill Towns Trail was a blast! We had fourteen or so riders and a really great group. Thank you to the families who came!
This week, I’m looking at Wednesday afternoon, which will theoretically be the sunniest day...official activity forthcoming!! :)
Get your Arcadia gear in our online store through Larson Printing--now through Sept. 30th! Click on the link to visit the online store!
Online Store Link:
Enter code: ACS2020
Minnesota State High School League Activities
If you have a child in grades 9-12 who plans to participate in a varsity sport or other varsity-level MSHSL activity during the 2020-2021 school year, please email Laura! We have to decide whether or not to pay the membership fee ($2750.00). If we have students participating, we will do it! I just don’t want to pay it if we don’t have anyone participating.
Reading and Writing Corps
Northfield and Faribault are pilot sites for Reading Corps online support options. Families can be connected to the website and Reading Corps takes it from there!
Connect 1:1 online with an experienced educator or literacy coach
Receive reading and math support for children in your care, ages prek-8th grade
Available for any students, whether they are in school in-person or learning online
Reading Corps coordinates everything directly with the family once they're signed up
Families can request a consultation (registration and screening) in English, Spanish, Somali, or Hmong:
Picture Days: November 2nd (MS) and November 12 (HS)
We will have school pictures this year! The dates we settled on with Lifetouch are November 2nd for middle school students, and November 12th for high school students. You are not required to have your picture taken. We will send out a sign-up with times closer to the date.
Upcoming Events
Oct. 2: Asynchronous Learning Day
Oct. 15 and 16: Fall Break
Oct. 20: School Board Meeting (Online:, or to join by phone, dial +1 513-796-6467 and enter this PIN: 493 475 105#)
Nov. 2: MS Picture Day
Nov. 12: HS Picture Day