Arcadia This Week 3/22/2021

Hello, Arcadia families,

I hope you all have a wonderful spring break! The staff are taking a much needed break, so it may take us longer than usual to respond between March 20th and 28th. We will be back in action on the 29th! Here is information for the next two weeks.

Monday, 3/22 - Friday, 3/26: Spring Break!

Monday, 3/29: No School (Planning Day)

Tuesday, 3/30: No School (Planning Day)

Wednesday, 3/31: Day 5--First day of 4th Quarter, Online school only

Thursday, 4/1: Day 6--Online school only

Friday, 4/2: Day 1--Online school only


Forms to Fill Out

Please fill out all three of these forms for your child if you haven’t already done so:

Learning Model Commitment (for 4th Quarter)

Participation in Spring Testing

Intent to Return


Upcoming Schedule and Model Update

Rice County COVID case rate numbers are at 26.21/10,000 in a two week period, up slightly from last week. It appears this number includes the specific outbreak that I referenced last week, so it’s not clear that the case rate is rising in general, but please stay vigilant around masking and distancing!


March 22-29: Spring Break

March 29-30: Staff Planning Days

March 31st-April 2nd: Distance Learning

March 31st: First day of Fourth Quarter

April 5: In-person model begins (most classes remain online)

April 9 and 16; May 7 and 14: Asynchronous Days (online school only, no in-building)

April 27: Midterm

May 28: Last day of Fourth Quarter

June 1: First day of “May” Term

June 10: Last Day of School and Graduation! (Graduation will be held in the backyard at Arcadia the evening of June 10 for graduates and their families.)


General Announcements

MS Families--Art

Calligraphy pens are available in the front vestibule for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students participating in our book arts arts residency! The door will remain unlocked during the break for students to pick up or drop off materials.

Gertens Fundraiser: Orders Due April 5

Don’t forget to order plants! If you need me to resend any information, please let me know (

MCA and ACCESS Testing

We will be doing MCA testing at the end of April/early May, and ACCESS testing in early April. If you are doing distance learning and prefer not to participate in these tests, please indicate that here: Participation in Spring Testing

Attendance Form

Please report attendance-related information (appointments, illness) through our website, even during distance learning! Go to “Current Families” and then “ Report an Absence.” You can fill out as much as is relevant. If your child is ill, please make sure to report symptoms, as we are required to track a lot of information on illness this year! If you’d rather just save a link to the form somewhere accessible to you, here is a link to the form.


Announcements from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE)

COVID Testing Resources for Families (MDE)

MDH announced a recommendation for all school-age youth returning to school, youth sports, or extracurricular activities, and their families, to get tested every two weeks through the end of the school year. While it is not a requirement, regular testing complements other safety measures already in place, such as masking and social distancing.

Schools and youth organizations can send messages and resources available on COVID-19 Testing for Kids and Families to families to encourage testing. Getting tested every two weeks from now until the end of the school year can help keep schools open and sports operating, and ensure we are limiting the spread of COVID-19.

Reminder About COVID Testing Options for Students (MDE)

At Governor Walz’s direction, MDE is removing yet another barrier to testing: the UPS drop box. While some kids live down the street from a drop box, it’s quite a haul for others. Students will now be able to send their Vault-at-Home tests back to the lab through their schools.

How this works:

  • Students or families order tests through the Vault-at-Home program (remember tests are no costs to Minnesota residents).

  • Students complete their test at home.

  • Students seal their sample tube and place it in the biohazard bag. The biohazard bag then gets sealed in the shipping bag that came with the test. The shipping label sticker is attached to the bag.

  • Students bring their sealed shipping bag with the shipping label to school on your designated onsite testing day. Arcadia’s testing day is Wednesday, every other week.

To help students comply with MDH’s bi-weekly testing guidance and use at-home tests as a screening tool:

  • Students should test on the same schedule as staff (a specific day every other week).

  • Students will need to have a Vault-at-Home kit on hand at home to complete and bring to school on staff testing day.

  • Once students receive notice that their sample is being processed at the lab, they can order another Vault-at-Home kit for the next screening day.

Spring Break Reminders (MDE)

The CDC has published guidance on domestic and international travel during COVID-19, stating they recommend no travel at this time given that it increases the chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. CDC has also published a recommendation for after you travel which recommends individuals get tested 3-5 days after travel and stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel, even if the test comes back negative. There is no requirement for schools to enforce the CDC recommendations for quarantine after travel, however because there may be many members of the school community who are returning from travel in many different locations, the two weeks following spring break will carry a heightened risk for potential exposures in the school setting.

For this reason, schools are encouraged to communicate CDC’s post-travel recommendations, and reemphasize all prevention measures with the school community including maintaining 6 feet of physical distance from others whenever possible, masking consistently, staying home when sick and seeking testing as appropriate, hand hygiene, and following quarantine guidance. We are aware that some schools are considering or planning to implement a hybrid or distance learning model for 1-2 weeks following spring break to guard against exposures in the school setting, similar to the approach many took in a delayed return after the holidays.

Considerations before traveling (MDE)

Given the high level of COVID-19 spread in our communities, any unnecessary travel is highly discouraged. If you must travel outside the state or country for work, study, medical care, or personal safety and security, do what you can to protect yourself and your family.

Before you travel, think about:

  • How much COVID-19 is spreading where you are going and how much it is spreading in your local community.

  • Whether you or someone you are traveling with could get very sick from COVID-19.

  • How easy or difficult it will be to keep 6 feet between people.

  • Whether you would be able to miss work, school, or other activities if you get sick.

  • For more tips and things to consider when traveling, see CDC: Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Travel to or from Minnesota

  • If you are sick or have tested positive for COVID-19, do not travel.

Out-of-state travel is highly discouraged.

  • People who visit Minnesota, and Minnesotans returning after traveling out of state, are asked to stay away from others (quarantine) for 14 days after they arrive in Minnesota. During those 14 days, it is important that you stay home and watch for symptoms. If you must go out, wear a mask, stay 6 feet from other people, and wash your hands often.

  • Staying away from others for 14 days is safest. In some circumstances, a shortened quarantine period may be possible. For more information, see Close Contacts and Tracing and Quarantine Guidance for COVID-19 (PDF).

  • If you are close to someone with COVID-19 during travel, follow guidelines for how long to keep away from others (quarantine).

  • For information on testing, visit Getting Tested for COVID-19.

After traveling

Visit CDC: Travel for more information about traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Upcoming Events

April 20, 6:30-8:30pm: Arcadia Board meeting 


Or join by phone: (US) +1 513-796-6467‬ PIN: ‪493 475 105‬#)

